Matt McFee
A refugee from the corporate software world, I started Hermosa Tours in 2007 with the idea, “what’s the worst that could happen?” I’ve always had a passion for exploring new places and then sharing them with friends...READ MORE

Jodi Deller
Durango - Scheduling Manager & Shuttle Driver
Mountain biking was one of the main reasons for my move to Durango in 2000 and I’m happy to still call it home. I love exploring the mountains, rivers, canyons, and valleys of Colorado...READ MORE

Doug Berry
Sedona – Senior Day Guide
Doug started Mountain biking in the early 80's in South West Colorado. Riding mountain passes on rigid frame bikes with skinny tires built a strong cycling base and a well rounded riding style. Winters in...READ MORE

Alex Angstadt
Head Backcountry Guide
Alex has been guiding since 2013; achieving sourdough status in the unforgiving rainforests of Southeast Alaska and with the bitter tundras of the Yukon...READ MORE

Jeremy Jarnacke
Sedona Day Tour Guide
After a finishing a career in natural resource management, I switched gears to play bikes and travel full-time (not just all the vacations!)... READ MORE

Durango – Shuttle Driver
My name’s Francis Sawyer, but people call me Psycho. Anyone calls me Francis….and I’ll kill ya...READ MORE

Mark Gusewelle
Durango – Shuttle Driver
My name is Mark (aka Goose). Bicycles have always been a great way for me to find freedom, fun, fitness and new friends along the way. I moved to Durango from southwestern...READ MORE

Brian Petersen
Sedona - Day Guide
I have many obsessions in my life; hockey, old Toyota LandCruisers, our cabin in Oak Creek Canyon, Mexican food, and backpacking to name just a few. However one passion was introduced to me in the early 2000’s ...READ MORE

Kevin Martin
Fruita/Grand Junction - Day Guide
My name is Kevin, my wife and I moved to the Grand Junction area specifically for mountain biking. I enjoy all things mountain bike related, from riding, MTB festivals, teaching, sharing experiences, and even building trail...READ MORE

Jeff Jaques
Sedona – Day Guide
2022 marks my 40th year of mountain biking in the Sierra Nevada, Cascades, and now in Sedona. That also makes me very...READ MORE

Amaryth Gass
Sedona – Day Guide
Amaryth was born and raised in the woods of New Hampshire. Mountain biking gradually became her preferred outdoor outlet, accelerated by living in Colorado...READ MORE

Evan Puglia
Sedona – Backcountry and Day Guide
Evan Puglia aka Teddy Huxtable. Connoisseur of Sedona day tours and multiday trips along the Arizona Trail...READ MORE

Arlo Grammatica
Durango - Day Guide
Arlo started out his career as a kayak racer, raft guide, rock climbing, and mtn biking instructor in the Arkansas River Valley all at the age of 17. He was growing up in Salida, CO ...READ MORE

Evan Blackard
Sedona - Day Guide
Mountain biking in the Western U.S. has long been a source of joy and fulfillment for me. Growing up in Colorado, a love for the outdoors...READ MORE

Aaron Bennett
Sedona - Day Guide
It seems like I’ve spent my life on two wheels. From BMX to dirt bikes, sport bikes and now mountain bikes. After spending several years traveling...READ MORE

Kevin Waterbury
Marketing Manager
I am proud to report that I am currently serving a life sentence behind (handle)bars and I’m loving every minute of it. It all started on the gritty streets of Eastside Santa Monica...READ MORE